Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Shark Cages!

This was the "shark-chaser," the APEX PREDATOR

The sharks were HUGE!

This is the group in the cage with a Great White Shark swimming by

As Derek mentioned earlier in a post, the group was on a road trip! We were making our way from Johannesburg all the way to Cape Town.  One of the main reasons the group decided to go to Cape Town was because of the Great White Shark cage tours that this city offers.  We chose to take this one trip with the Great White Shark Tour crew.  I did a little research to find out that this was one of the best tours to do for cage diving and it proved right!  The group and I drove to Kleinbaai Harbor and got there around 9a.m.. The first hour we just learned about necessary safety precautions and ate some food for the experience soon to come.  As the time reached about 10a.m. the boat left the harbor and sailed about 5 miles into the ocean to Dyer Island.  Our shark caging had begun! To attract the sharks, the companies crew poured this special "chum" mix into the ocean.  It was scary at first to see the sharks right in front of you however it was also an exciting feeling as well.  Seeing the sharks interact with each other in their environment while in the cages was such an exhilarating experience.  Everyone loved it, though Peyton didn't last very long in the cage as he got really scared and almost had a panic attack.  He was worrying about the shark attacks that South Africa is known for.  Due to the great beaches that South Africa offers, they are favored areas for surfers.  The more surfers means the more shark attacks.  Shark attacks have gone up from around the mid 90's by about seven attacks or 25%.  However, the death rate has gone down.  All in all, this was one of the group's favorite experiences in South Africa.

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