Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sciences in South Africa

Sciencein South Africa

 South Africa has had very influentialcharacters when it comes to the field of sciences. One man, Allan McLeodCormack for example pioneered x-ray Computed Tomography, or as we call it C.T.scans, in 1961 then later installing the first C.T. Scanner at Tufts University.Without his contribution there would not be the possibility to view the insideof the human body with such ease, instead of having to physically cut open theperson. Very recently research has been proven to play a key role in the futureof Aids and the possibility of a vaccine was conducted by Caprisa (Centre for the Aids Programme ofResearch in South Africa). This five-yearlong study has been to discover ananti-body strong enough to counter the effects of Aids.

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