Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Silvermine nature reserve

          We had the amazing opportunity to visit the Silvermine Nature Reserve. This is a beautiful reserve close to Cape Town, so we stopped there while we were in Cape Town. This is truly one of nature's most beautiful locations. The views from the mountain top were gorgeous, and we took a plethora of pictures, and it was great that we went on that day, because of how sunny and warm everything was, with the temperature in the low seventies. The reserve has some of the greatest mountain and coast views in all of the world. We took one of the nature trails, and got to truly enjoy the beauty of South Africa's landscape. The ecosystem that flourishes in this environment is amazing. Everything was so vibrant and alive. We loved how simple everything was, yet how nature is so elegant. It felt refreshing to get away from the rush of everything on this trip. The bugs could be nasty at times, but the experience was worth it. We were entertained by Mackenzie, whom we had to remind that she isn't supposed to eat the flowers.We got back from the reserve when it was getting late, and after eating something quick on the way to the hotel, we completely crashed.

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