Friday, March 22, 2013

Road Trip!

 Road Trip!

We decided that because of our budget, and the high cost of travel, we are going to camp while we are on the road.  Our transportation is a five seat Volkswagen that we are renting.   Even though it can be tough piling into a car and driving for a few hours, we have a lot of fun.  We sing Christmas Carols, play car games, (Travel Bingo) and listen to the Radio.  We decided on this mode of transportation because of the money we will save doing this.
Derek does the driving, and he is great.  He drives very fast, and he has an app that alerts him when police cars are around.  This allows him to slow down before running into trouble.  When Derek becomes too tired to drive anymore, or we just feel it's time to stop for the night; we find a big open area near the highway.  We unpack our eight-person tent and our sleeping bags, and we turn in for the night. It is awesome.  
Luckily, we came in South Africa's early Autumn, so the weather is never to hot or cold.  We are also far away from city lights and pollution, so we can see thousands and thousands of stars.  Lying down on the ground and gazing up at the beautiful night sky never gets old.  It is much more fun than staying cooped up in a hotel.  
This was a huge part of our trip, and was so much fun.  It was really convenient too. We did not have to worry about check-ins and check-outs, and we did not have to worry about reservations.  All we had to do was unload the car, get our sleeping bags, get our tent, and enjoy the scenery.  It was stress-free.  When the morning rolled around, we packed the trunk and hit the road.  It was quick, easy, and fun too.  If we ever go back to South Africa, this will definitely be on the agenda.


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