Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cultural Cuisine

Food in South Africa

While we were enjoying our trip in South Africa, we wanted to experience at least one cultural food.  While searching for a food in Johannesburg, we were intrigued by something called Biltong.  Biltong is a South African version of beef jerky.  It however, does not have a sweet taste and is much thicker.
The meat is first cut from the muscle and then marinated in vinegar.   Salt, coriander, black pepper, and brown sugar are then put on it.  The meat is then dried using salt.  This allows it stay out in the open for long periods of time.
Biltong can also be made with chicken and fish.  If chicken is used, it is called Chicken Biltong, and if fish is used, it is called Bokkom.  It can be found in any supermarket all over South Africa.  It is extremely popular with most South Africans, and is enjoyed by people of all ages.  There are even festivals and celebrations that revolve around Biltong.  If we did not try it, we would have been missing out on a huge part of South African culture.  It would have been like visiting America and not eating at a McDonalds.
We loved it.  It was a really great snack between meals, and it was cheap too!  We are definitely going to eat it more, and enjoy a fun part of South African Culture.

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